“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9

April 7, 2015

Dear Diary: Finding my way home

It is currently cloudy and 2 Degrees here in the luscious country retreat in Lempäälä, Finland. This is my home, but I have many homes. It is funny how we can have more than one home. If Home is where the Heart is, then my heart is travelling all over the place :D

So much has happened in my life since I posted the last blog post. It seems like it has been a thousand years, but really only a few months. Life is like that, a day turns into a week, a week turns into a month, and a month into a year. Metaphorically, of course. Because really life doesn't work that way.

Anyway, since talking about time, it is about time that I discuss with you diary about my timeless past few months. It is difficult to explain the Riley family, whom I have been helping out in Macmerry, Scotland. I suppose if they were a soup, I would add a heap of compassion, a tablespoon of wisdom and knowledge, a touch of ideas, because one idea always leads to more, a swag of sincerity, in the true Australian manner, and not at all least a rainbow of yellows, turquoise', greens and all other colours imaginable. This soup would probably turn a browney kind of colour, but that is okay. Brown is a colour showing all colours mixed together. That would, however, not merely describe the whole of this most awesome family I have come to know since the beginning of the year, besides my own awesomely awesome family of course :D

I have learnt so much from this family, and they have taught me to grow spiritually. This is the most important thing, spiritual growth. I will never forget laughing all the way home with Anita from smallgroup, or the time I beat Brenton at handball at youth. I am looking forward to making more memories like these, and that is what life is about. Creating memories, not material riches. I have found that all I need is all I can fit into my cabin-size, lime green suitcase and a justice bag!!

I hope, dear diary, that throughout my life, and other's lives, we will all understand this need for material wealth is worthless. All we need in life really is a God that loves us, a suitcase of our necessities and a Bible. That way we can travel the world, and no matter where we go, or what we get ourselves into, we are somewhat prepared.

You have an entirely awesome week,



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